how to remove kimchi stains from clothes

How to Remove Kimchi Stains from Clothes

Kimchi, a staple in Korean cuisine, is famous for its potent blend of flavors and vibrant red color. However, it is this same bright hue, coming from the red chili pepper paste, that can leave a stubborn stain on your clothes if accidentally spilled. But don’t fret! With the correct techniques and a bit of patience, you can restore your clothing to its original state.

Removing kimchi stains from clothes can be done by using household items like dish soap and vinegar, commercial stain removers, or hydrogen peroxide. Each method requires following certain steps, followed by regular laundering.

This guide will discuss those three efficient methods to remove those pesky kimchi stains.

Remove Kimchi Stains Using Dish Soap and Vinegar

Kimchi stains can be persistent, but armed with ordinary household items, we can show them who’s boss. This approach uses dish soap and vinegar, followed by warm air to ensure complete stain removal and restoration of your clothes. This simple yet effective method is just a few steps away.

  1. Blot the Stain: Get a clean cloth and blot the stain gently to remove as much kimchi as possible. Be cautious not to rub the stain in, as it may make it harder to remove.
  2. Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Combine a tablespoon of your everyday dish soap and a tablespoon of white vinegar with two cups of cool water.
  3. Apply the Solution: Using a different clean cloth, apply this homemade solution to the stain. Make sure you dab gently until the area is thoroughly soaked.
  4. Soak Time: Now it’s time to let the solution do its job. Let it sit on the stain for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  5. Rinse and Check: After soaking, rinse the area with cool water. If the stain hasn’t disappeared, don’t worry. Just repeat the process.
  6. Warm Air Technique: After you’ve completely removed the stain, let’s ensure it won’t reappear. Using a hair dryer, apply warm air to the damp area until it’s completely dry. This helps prevent any leftover particles from oxidizing and causing the stain to reappear.
  7. Laundry Time: Now it’s time to wash the garment. Just follow your usual laundry routine.

Remember, patience is the key. This method works effectively if given adequate time to act on the stain. The reward is stain-free clothes with minimal effort.

Remove Kimchi Stains Using a Commercial Stain Remover

Even the most stubborn kimchi stains don’t stand a chance against the combined power of a commercial stain remover and the abrasive action of salt. Let’s go through the steps of this efficient, no-fuss process.

  1. Use a Stain Remover: Take your chosen commercial stain remover and follow its guidelines. Normally, it’s applied directly to the affected area.
  2. Work It In: Utilize a toothbrush or your fingers to make sure the stain remover penetrates into the fabric.
  3. Wait It Out: Allow the product to sit for the recommended duration as per the instructions on the packaging.
  4. Salt It Down: Here’s where the twist comes in. Take a generous pinch of table salt and sprinkle it over the treated area. The abrasive quality of salt will work with the stain remover to lift the kimchi stain from the fibers of the fabric.
  5. Brush Away: After letting the salt sit on the stain for a few minutes, brush it away with an old toothbrush.
  6. Rinse and Inspect: Rinse out the treated area with cold water. If you still see the kimchi stain, don’t hesitate to repeat the steps.
  7. Laundry Time: Now, proceed with washing the garment according to the care label instructions.

With this method, the stain remover breaks down the stain, and the salt helps to lift it from the fabric. It’s a simple way to tackle stubborn kimchi stains and restore your clothes to their former glory.

Remove Kimchi Stains on Clothing Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known bleaching agent, but when used correctly, it can be a kimchi stain’s worst enemy, especially for white clothes. This method employs hydrogen peroxide and the sun’s natural bleaching capabilities to eliminate those hard-to-beat stains. Let’s walk you through the process.

  1. Colorfastness Check: Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide on a hidden part of the garment to ensure it won’t alter the fabric’s color.
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide Application: Once it’s deemed safe, dab hydrogen peroxide onto the kimchi stain with a clean cloth.
  3. Patiently Wait: Allow the hydrogen peroxide to work its magic for around 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse and Assess: After rinsing with cold water, check the stain. If it’s still visible, go ahead and repeat the process.
  5. Sun Exposure: If you have access to a sunny spot, hang the garment to dry there. The sun’s rays can help bleach the stain further, ensuring it’s completely eliminated.
  6. Laundry Time: After the sun exposure, wash the garment following the care label instructions.

By combining the power of hydrogen peroxide and the sun, you can say goodbye to those stubborn kimchi stains, keeping your garments fresh and clean.


Is it possible to use isopropyl alcohol for removing kimchi stains?

Indeed, you can utilize isopropyl alcohol for eliminating kimchi stains, particularly on synthetic fabrics. Dab a bit of it directly onto the stain, let it sit for a few moments, then rinse with cold water.

Can I get rid of kimchi stains from delicate fabrics?

Absolutely! Handle delicate fabrics with care: mild detergent, cold water, and gentle handwashing should be your go-to method. If the stain persists, it’s recommended to trust the garment to a professional cleaner to prevent any potential damage.

What should I do right away when kimchi stains my clothes?

Swift action can make a significant difference. Blot any excess kimchi without rubbing it into the fabric. Treat the stain promptly by applying a mix of dish soap and vinegar, or a commercial stain remover, adhering to the instructions on the package.

How can I specifically remove kimchi stains from my white shirts?

Hydrogen peroxide can do wonders for removing kimchi stains from white shirts. Conduct a colorfastness test prior to application to avoid bleaching effects. After applying the hydrogen peroxide and allowing it to work, rinse the area and proceed to wash as per the usual routine.


Kimchi stains, while stubborn, are not impossible to remove. Using common household items like dish soap and vinegar, a commercial stain remover, or hydrogen peroxide, you can effectively eliminate these stains from your clothes. The key is to act quickly and treat the stain before it sets. With the correct techniques and a bit of patience, your garments can look as good as new again.